Info on Cape Coral and the Surrounding Area
We’d like to take this opportunity to share some of the information we’ve gathered ourselves about Cape Coral and the surrounding area. We’ve intentionally avoided posting any texts from travel guide books here and instead we are relying on our own experiences and photos to give you the best possible insight into how things are in and around Cape Coral. We would appreciate it if you would send us your own impressions and feedback so we can use it to round out this website. This way other visitors can also benefit from your experience and first-hand information. Here’s a tip: If possible, try to plan your activities during the week. The locals naturally use the weekends for all kinds of activities, which means that it’s a lot more crowded out there then than it is during the working week. You’ll notice this especially at the supermarket for instance, although even there it’s not really a problem. But with other activities such as miniature golf and the like you will have to anticipate waiting times. And with special things such as booking a Jet Ski or a dolphin tour you have to consider factors like a longer trip to Fort Myers, parking, advance bookings and so on. So it’s always a good idea for vacationers to do things during weekdays when “poor ole’” Americans still have to work!